Everything Changes
We have narrowed down the characteristics of "people who spend their days in pain without gaining anything" to the five most important items.
1. Not taking action (procrastinating/not taking on challenges)
No matter how much knowledge or opportunity you have, nothing will change if you don't take action.
2. Not learning (not trying to grow)
You don't acquire new knowledge or skills, and are content with the status quo.
3. Making excuses/blaming others
You blame the environment or others for your failures or misfortunes, and don't try to change them yourself.
4. Negative thinking (giving up easily)
You think "it's impossible anyway" or "there's no point in trying," and give up before even taking action.
5. Wasting time (spending time aimlessly)
You waste time on social media, games, meaningless relationships, and have no purpose in life.
If you are conscious of these five things and act in the opposite way, you will naturally gain more!
onyinyi_w によるツイート
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